Product overview and recommended applications

The application matrix shows you which product is most suitable for which application.
With one click on the product you get easily to the recommended product site.

Article Group Acrylic Precious alloys Gold Silver Non-precious alloys Titanium/
Stainless steel Nickel/Chrome Zirconium oxide Ceramic
BUN C ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎
BUN M ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎
BUN F ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎
BUN XF ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎
AUN ◼︎ ◼︎
AST ◼︎ ◼︎
BAL C ◼︎ ◼︎
BAL M ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎
BAL F ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎
BAL XF ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎
AAL ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎
APT ◼︎ ◼︎
SPT ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎
APR ◼︎
BFU ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎
BSP M ◼︎ ◼︎
BSP F ◼︎ ◼︎
AVM ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎

◼︎ recommended